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Showing posts from June 11, 2017

Angel Falls is 15 times higher than Niagara Falls!

Did you know that Angel Falls is 15 times higher than Niagara Falls?  This super high waterfall is located in the Canaima National Park within the dense isolated jungles of Venezuela in South America. Angel Falls were named after the American aviator, Jimmy Angel, who crashed his small airplane into the falls, 2 years after being discovered. Angel Falls is the highest waterfall in the world at 979 meters or 3,212 feet!  Water flows over the edge of Devil's Mountain and because the water has to fall a long distance towards the base, most of it either becomes a fine mist or evaporates! Tourists have the exciting opportunity of visiting Angel Falls up close, but they have to fly into the capital city of Caracas, take several flights to various towns, and trek the long distance through the thick, dense jungle.  It is no wonder that many people opt to take a helicopter ride to view the magnificent waterfall from their window! The highest waterfall in the world, Angel Falls,

The diameter of the Sun is 856,658 miles!

Did you know that the sun's diameter is almost 856,658 miles or 1.4 million kilometers? The sun is the star in the center of our solar system and is 4.6 billion years old!  Also, 1.3 million Earths can fit inside the Sun! Our sun has a surface temperature of 5,500 degrees Celsius, while the core is a hot 15,000 degrees Celsius! Three fourths of the Sun is made up of hydrogen while the remainder is helium.  The light from the sun takes approximately eight minutes to reach the Earth's surface. The sun will continue to burn for another 5 billion years; after this time, the sun will get larger and larger until it becomes a Red Giant, where it would consume the planets of Mercury, Venus, and the Earth. The sun will finally turn into a White Dwarf, or core remnant, after trillions of years. One teaspoon of White Dwarf matter can weigh almost 6 tons! The sun has a very strong magnetic field and a solar wind of charged particles known as the solar wind rapidly shoot away from the

Elvis Presley was offered a movie role in the 1978 classic film, Grease!

Did you know that Elvis Presley was offered a movie role in the 1978 classic film, Grease?  This fun musical film stars Olivia Newton-John as Sandy Olsson and John Travolta as Danny Zuko. Sandy and Danny had a summer romance at a beach in 1958 and Sandy tells him that she will have to soon return with her family to live in Australia.  Since her family decided to stay in the United States, Sandy and Danny eventually meet up at Rydell High School. Sandy makes friends with her girl group, the Pink Ladies, while Danny acts cool with his male gang, The T Birds.  Although there is tension among the two gangs, Danny and Sandy overcome all odds to make their romance blossom. Sandy, Danny, and the gang sing emotional songs about love, heartache, and life in general.  Their popular songs, such as Hopefully Devoted To You, Greased Lightning, Summer Nights, Look At Me I'm Sandra Dee, Beauty School Dropout, and You're The One That I Want, have captivated audiences' hearts arou