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Showing posts from June 9, 2017

A strawberry is the only fruit with the seeds on the outside

Did you know that the strawberry is the only fruit with seeds on the outside?  Strawberries have 200 seeds on average embedded on its skin and are considered a member of the rose family. Ounce for ounce, strawberries have slightly more vitamin C than oranges.  Strawberries also contain high levels of Vitamin K, fiber, folic acid, amino acids, and potassium. Large red and juicy Strawberries! Some more interesting Strawberry facts: The ancient Romans once believed that strawberries had special powers, from stopping fever, eliminating kidney stones from the body, and curing depression! Strawberries contain high levels of nitrate, which widen the blood vessels in the human body, so that oxygen and blood can effectively flow to the muscles.  Americans on average eat 3.5 pounds of strawberries a year. There is a folk lore in Bavaria, Germany, that elves love strawberries. Therefore, the people would tie baskets of strawberries to cattle horns so that the elves woul