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A strawberry is the only fruit with the seeds on the outside

Did you know that the strawberry is the only fruit with seeds on the outside?  Strawberries have 200 seeds on average embedded on its skin and are considered a member of the rose family.

Ounce for ounce, strawberries have slightly more vitamin C than oranges.  Strawberries also contain high levels of Vitamin K, fiber, folic acid, amino acids, and potassium.

Interesting strawberry facts
Large red and juicy Strawberries!

Some more interesting Strawberry facts:
  • The ancient Romans once believed that strawberries had special powers, from stopping fever, eliminating kidney stones from the body, and curing depression!
  • Strawberries contain high levels of nitrate, which widen the blood vessels in the human body, so that oxygen and blood can effectively flow to the muscles. 
  • Americans on average eat 3.5 pounds of strawberries a year.
  • There is a folk lore in Bavaria, Germany, that elves love strawberries. Therefore, the people would tie baskets of strawberries to cattle horns so that the elves would ensure that the animals had produced lots of milk!
  • The largest producing state of strawberries in the United States is California, which 83% of the total production; Florida comes in 2nd place.
  • A woman who had lived in Emperor Napoleon's court was famously known for bathing in strawberry juice.  This bath juice was the equivalent of 22 pounds of strawberries!
  • Steoberie was the Anglo-Saxon word for strawberry, and the name remained until 1538!
  • Native Americans have called the strawberry a heart seed berry, and have included them in their cornbread.
  • Anne, Boleyn, the second wife of King Henry VIII, had a strawberry birthmark on her neck.  As a result, people thought she was a witch!
  • Overripe strawberries are great for smoothies.
  • The strawberry was a symbol of Venus, goddess of love, since strawberries are red and can be heart-shaped.
  • Strawberries can effectively eliminate toxins and acids from the body.
  • The world's largest shortcakes comes from Lebanon, Oregon's annual strawberry festival
  • Just 8 strawberries will give children 140% of their Vitamin C daily intake
  • Belgium has a museum dedicated to strawberries.
  • There was a strawberry celebration at the end of the 1995 movie, To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar.  
  • Those small strawberry seeds that are embedded in the red fruit are widely dispersed by birds.
  • Strawberries were important in ancient history; they were served at important events to bring peace and prosperity.
  • Over 1 billion strawberries are produced every year in the state of California.
  • The consumption of strawberries over a period of time can reduce a person's risk of heart disease and cancers.
  • Strawberry Week is celebrated in the state of Delaware, from May 21 through the 27th.
  • Country music artist, Deana Carter, sang the 1996 popular song, Strawberry Wine!
I have fond memories of strolling through the strawberry fields and handpicking as many strawberries as possible, occasionally eating some along the way.  My orange pumpkin Halloween bucket was filled to the brim with the yummy fruit; it was as if I had hit the lottery.

I still eat Strawberries on occasion.  I would also mix some strawberries with some blueberries and enjoy as a refreshing smoothie, and even add some strawberries to my bran cereal for a little sweetness.


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